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Come and Join us !
IIL Camps offers fun, creative, sporty and techy camps welcoming all children ages 3 - 15. IIL Camps is a place for fun, friendships and activity!
Located on Institut International de Lancy, IIL Camps is open to all children during school vacations with half or full day options.
" Welcoming all children ages 3 - 15 "
New activities during everyschool vacation
Bilingual, multi-culturalenvironment
We are committed to nurturing a multicultural, international and bilingual (English / French ) environment. At IIL Camps, campers have the opportunity to connect with a diverse community of children and discover a variety of cultures and languages.

We believe that children grow through play. By offering multiple activities in the mornings and afternoons, children can experiment by learning new skills or focusing on what they love to do. From sports to arts, technology to academics we encourage children to develop their curiosity, experiment and above all, have fun!
As part of Institut International de Lancy (IIL), our camp staff has been specifically trained on the KiVa anti-bullying programme, promoting interpersonal skills such as empathy and citizenship.
IIL is only school in Switzerland, certified by the KiVa programme.
IIL is only school in Switzerland, certified by the KiVa programme.

United around3 values
Live unique experiences
Nurturing friendships
The most important part!
ASKCamp partnership
ASK is hosting a summer camp on the IIL campus for children with special needs ages 4-17! 3 weeks of your choice, or several weeks in a row, during the month of July.
Quality supervision and a variety of activities including theater, art and games for the Summer!
Visit the website: https://allspecialkids.org/bilingual-day-camp/